Stacklogic provides Service Level Agreements (SLAs) for several of its services including Virtual Machines, including block storage, and S4 Object Storage. SLAs back our commitment to deliver a high level of availability for customers.

Service Commitment

The Stacklogic Virtual Machine and S4 Object Storage services provides a 99.99% uptime SLA per month.

Service Credits

Service Credits are calculated as a percentage of the charges paid by you for the virtual machines that did not meet the monthly uptime commitment in a billing cycle in accordance with the table below. For S4 Object Storage, network access that did not meet the monthly availability also follows this schedule.
Monthly Uptime Service Credit
less than 99.99% 100% of lost time at the hourly rate incurred

Credit Request and Payment Procedures

You can request for a service credit by contacting support. To be eligible, the credit request should be received by us within three (3) months of the end of the billing cycle when the issue occurred.
Once we validate and confirm the claim request, your account is credited with service credits in the billing cycle following when you filed the claim.


The terms used in this SLA document are defined as follows: Monthly Uptime: For a given service, monthly uptime is calculated by subtracting from 100% the percentage of 5-minute intervals during the monthly billing cycle in which the service was unavailable. If your resources exist for only part of the month, availability is calculated over the portion of the month during which it existed. Monthly uptime measurements exclude unavailability resulting directly or indirectly from any SLA exclusion Service Credit: Credit in terms of $USD issued to the associated Stacklogic account. Unavailability: All the requests to a resource fail for more than 5 minutes.

Exemptions from Service Guarantee

The following situations will be exempt from Stacklogic’s SLA:
  • Scheduled interruptions/announced maintenance windows;
  • Failures caused by errors in third party software utilized in the service;
  • Failures in products or features which are not included in the service;
  • Failures caused by the Customer’s actions contrary to user instructions or resulting from the Customer’s operating systems or application software used within the service;
  • Violations of Stacklogic’s acceptable use policy;
  • Failures due to hostile actions by third parties such as denial-of-service attacks;
  • Interruptions resulting from legal or governmental enforced activities;
  • Insufficient pre-paid balance on the Customer’s account for the use of the services at the time of the downtime;
  • Downtime experienced during a free trial period.